Tuesday, November 29, 2011

What I Want and Do Not Want My Son to Look Back On

I do realize that everyone is entitled to their own opinions...and this one is mine.  Ladies, there is a very fine line between classy...and trashy.  I did not even want to log onto facebook after Halloween, because alls I knew I would be seeing is random body parts that I did not wish to see.  So, what about all those other 364 days?  Put some clothes on, thanks.
I know that one day Keagan is going to comprehend what this whole cyber-world is all about, and it will be more advanced than we even know.  Everything that I have done on the Internet he will pretty much see.  Do I want my son to see me half-naked on the Web?  Do I want his friends to be able to Google my name and see pictures of me and his father dry-humping on a chair in the bar?  Ha...well, fortunately for him, it's never going to happen because I don't post those pictures for the world to see.
My little rant and rave is not directed towards one person, not at all.  I understand that we are living in the year of 2011 and there are all sorts of avenues full of junk that we don't want our children to see, but lets start with the ones that they look up to the most.  If we want what is best for our children, and also to the public...set a good example please.  If us as parents aren't being the best role models as possible, then there really is no hope for the future of the next generation.  Actions speak louder than words...period.